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Program main


!c gprof_test, illustrate the use of the GPROF program

!                                    performance monitor

  Double Precision a(1001, 1000), b(1000), x(1000)

  Double Precision time(6), cray, ops, total, norma, normx

  Double Precision resid, residn, eps, epslon

  Integer ipvt(1000)

  lda = 1001


!     this program was updated on 10/12/92 to correct a

!     problem with the random number generator. The previous

!     random number generator had a short period and produced

!     singular matrices occasionally.

  Call timestamp()

  Write (*, '(a)') ' '

  n = 1000

  cray = .056

  Write (6, 1)

  1 format('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'//&
  '新年好! 兔年吉祥!'/&
        'Protect yourself well from the COVID19-Pandemics!'/&
             'Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!'//&
             'Wish you good health & prosperous!'//&
             'PotsyYZ, 周勇, GoldbergJr.JohnBkt'/&
             '广州    20221214'/&
' Please send the results of this run to:'//&

  ' Jack J. Dongarra'/&

  ' Computer Science Department'/&

  ' University of Tennessee'/&

  ' Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1300'//&

  ' Fax: 615-974-8296'//&

  ' Internet: dongarra@cs.utk.edu' /)

  ops = (2.0D0*dfloat(n)**3)/3.0D0 + 2.0D0*dfloat(n)**2


  Call matgen(a, lda, n, b, norma)


!        you should replace the call to dgefa and dgesl

!        by calls to your linear equation solver.




  t1 = second()

  Call dgefa(a, lda, n, ipvt, info)

  time(1) = second() - t1

  t1 = second()

  Call dgesl(a, lda, n, ipvt, b, 0)

  time(2) = second() - t1

  total = time(1) + time(2)




!     compute a residual to verify results.


  Do i = 1, n

    x(i) = b(i)

  End Do

  Call matgen(a, lda, n, b, norma)

  Do i = 1, n

    b(i) = -b(i)

  End Do

  Call dmxpy(n, b, n, lda, x, a)

  resid = 0.0

  normx = 0.0

  Do i = 1, n

    resid = dmax1(resid, dabs(b(i)))

    normx = dmax1(normx, dabs(x(i)))

  End Do

  eps = epslon(1.0D0)

  residn = resid/(n*norma*normx*eps)

  Write (6, 40)

  Write (6, 50) residn, resid, eps, x(1), x(n)


  Write (6, 60) n

  Write (6, 70)

  70 format(6 x, 'factor', 5 x, 'solve', 6 x, 'total', 5 x, 'mflops', 7 x,&







  Write(6,80) lda


  Write(6,*) ' end of tests -- this version dated 10/12/92'


  Write(*,'(a)') ' '

  Call timestamp()


  40 Format('     norm. resid      resid           machep',&

  '         x(1)          x(n)')

  50 Format(1P5E16.8)

  60 Format(//'    times are reported for matrices of order ',I5)

  80 Format(' times for array with leading dimension of',I4)

  110 Format(6(1PE11.3))

End Program main

Subroutine matgen(a,lda,n,b,norma)

  Integer lda, n, init(4), i, j

  Double Precision a(lda,1), b(1), norma, random_value






  Do j=1, n

    Do i=1, n



    End Do

  End Do

  Do i=1, n


  End Do

  Do j=1, n

    Do i=1, n


    End Do

  End Do


End Subroutine matgen

Subroutine dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info)

  Integer lda, n, ipvt(1), info

  Double Precision a(lda,1)


!     dgefa factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.


!     dgefa is usually called by dgeco, but it can be called

!     directly with a saving in time if  rcond  is not needed.

!     (time for dgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for dgefa) .


!     on entry


!        a       double precision(lda, n)

!                the matrix to be factored.


!        lda     integer

!                the leading dimension of the array  a .


!        n       integer

!                the order of the matrix  a .


!     on return


!        a       an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers

!                which were used to obtain it.

!                the factorization can be written  a = l*u  where

!                l  is a product of permutation and unit lower

!                triangular matrices and  u  is upper triangular.


!        ipvt    integer(n)

!                an integer vector of pivot indices.


!        info    integer

!                = 0  normal value.

!                = k  if  u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 .  this is not an error

!                     condition for this subroutine, but it does

!                     indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero

!                     if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable

!                     indication of singularity.


!     linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .

!     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.


!     subroutines and functions

!     blas daxpy,dscal,idamax

!     internal variables


  Double Precision t

  Integer idamax, j, k, kp1, l, nm1


!     gaussian elimination with partial pivoting



  If(nm1<1) Goto 70

  Do k=1, nm1



!        find l = pivot index





!        zero pivot implies this column already triangularized


    If(a(l,k)==0.0D0) Goto 40


!           interchange if necessary


    If(l==k) Goto 10




    10 Continue


!           compute multipliers



    Call dscal(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1)


!           row elimination with column indexing


    Do j=kp1, n


      If(l==k) Goto 20



      20 Continue

      Call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,a(k+1,j),1)

    End Do

    Goto 50

    40 Continue


    50 Continue

  End Do

  70 Continue


  If(a(n,n)==0.0D0) info=n


End Subroutine dgefa

Subroutine dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,job)

  Integer lda, n, ipvt(1), job

  Double Precision a(lda,1), b(1)


!     dgesl solves the double precision system

!     a * x = b  or  trans(a) * x = b

!     using the factors computed by dgeco or dgefa.


!     on entry


!        a       double precision(lda, n)

!                the output from dgeco or dgefa.


!        lda     integer

!                the leading dimension of the array  a .


!        n       integer

!                the order of the matrix  a .


!        ipvt    integer(n)

!                the pivot vector from dgeco or dgefa.


!        b       double precision(n)

!                the right hand side vector.

!        job     integer

!                = 0         to solve  a*x = b ,

!                = nonzero   to solve  trans(a)*x = b  where

!                            trans(a)  is the transpose.


!     on return


!        b       the solution vector  x .


!     error condition


!        a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a

!        zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity

!        but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper

!        setting of lda .  it will not occur if the subroutines are

!        called correctly and if dgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0

!        or dgefa has set info .eq. 0 .


!     to compute  inverse(a) * c  where  c  is a matrix

!     with  p  columns

!           call dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z)

!           if (rcond is too small) go to ...

!           do 10 j = 1, p

!              call dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c(1,j),0)

!        10 continue


!     linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .

!     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.


!     subroutines and functions


!     blas daxpy,ddot


!     internal variables

  Double Precision ddot, t

  Integer k, kb, l, nm1


  If(job/=0) Goto 50


!        job = 0 , solve  a * x = b

!        first solve  l*y = b


  If(nm1<1) Goto 30

  Do k=1, nm1



    If(l==k) Goto 10



    10 Continue

    Call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)

  End Do

  30 Continue


!        now solve  u*x = y


  Do kb=1, n




    Call daxpy(k-1,t,a(1,k),1,b(1),1)

  End Do

  Goto 100

  50 Continue


!        job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b

!        first solve  trans(u)*y = b


  Do k=1, n



  End Do


!        now solve trans(l)*x = y


  If(nm1<1) Goto 90

  Do kb=1, nm1




    If(l==k) Goto 70




    70 Continue

  End Do

  90 Continue

  100 Continue


End Subroutine dgesl

Subroutine daxpy(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy)


!     constant times a vector plus a vector.

!     uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.

!     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.


  Double Precision dx(1), dy(1), da

  Integer i, incx, incy, ix, iy, m, mp1, n


  If(n<=0) Return

  If(da==0.0D0) Return

  If(incx==1 .And. incy==1) Goto 20


!        code for unequal increments or equal increments

!          not equal to 1




  If(incx<0) ix=(-n+1)*incx+1

  If(incy<0) iy=(-n+1)*incy+1

  Do i=1, n




  End Do



!        code for both increments equal to 1



!        clean-up loop


  20 m=mod(n,4)

  If(m==0) Goto 40

  Do i=1, m


  End Do

  If(n<4) Return

  40 mp1=m+1

  Do i=mp1, n, 4





  End Do


End Subroutine daxpy

Double Precision Function ddot(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)


!     forms the dot product of two vectors.

!     uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.

!     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.


  Double Precision dx(1), dy(1), dtemp

  Integer i, incx, incy, ix, iy, m, mp1, n




  If(n<=0) Return

  If(incx==1 .And. incy==1) Goto 20


!        code for unequal increments or equal increments

!          not equal to 1




  If(incx<0) ix=(-n+1)*incx+1

  If(incy<0) iy=(-n+1)*incy+1

  Do i=1, n




  End Do




!        code for both increments equal to 1

!        clean-up loop


  20 m=mod(n,5)

  If(m==0) Goto 40

  Do i=1, m


  End Do

  If(n<5) Goto 60

  40 mp1=m+1

  Do i=mp1, n, 5



  End Do

  60 ddot=dtemp


End Function ddot

Subroutine dscal(n,da,dx,incx)


!     scales a vector by a constant.

!     uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one.

!     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.


  Double Precision da, dx(1)

  Integer i, incx, m, mp1, n, nincx


  If(n<=0) Return

  If(incx==1) Goto 20


!        code for increment not equal to 1



  Do i=1, nincx, incx


  End Do



!        code for increment equal to 1

!        clean-up loop


  20 m=mod(n,5)

  If(m==0) Goto 40

  Do i=1, m


  End Do

  If(n<5) Return

  40 mp1=m+1

  Do i=mp1, n, 5






  End Do


End Subroutine dscal

Integer Function idamax(n,dx,incx)


!     finds the index of element having max. dabsolute value.

!     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.


  Double Precision dx(1), dmax

  Integer i, incx, ix, n



  If(n<1) Return


  If(n==1) Return

  If(incx==1) Goto 20


!        code for increment not equal to 1





  Do i=2, n

    If(dabs(dx(ix))<=dmax) Goto 5



    5 ix=ix+incx

  End Do



!        code for increment equal to 1


  20 dmax=dabs(dx(1))

  Do i=2, n

    If(dabs(dx(i))<=dmax) Goto 30



  30 End Do


End Function idamax

Double Precision Function epslon(x)

  Double Precision x


!     estimate unit roundoff in quantities of size x.


  Double Precision a, b, c, eps


!     this program should function properly on all systems

!     satisfying the following two assumptions,

!        1.  the base used in representing dfloating point

!            numbers is not a power of three.

!        2.  the quantity  a  in statement 10 is represented to

!            the accuracy used in dfloating point variables

!            that are stored in memory.

!     the statement number 10 and the go to 10 are intended to

!     force optimizing compilers to generate code satisfying

!     assumption 2.

!     under these assumptions, it should be true that,

!            a  is not exactly equal to four-thirds,

!            b  has a zero for its last bit or digit,

!            c  is not exactly equal to one,

!            eps  measures the separation of 1.0 from

!                 the next larger dfloating point number.

!     the developers of eispack would appreciate being informed

!     about any systems where these assumptions do not hold.

!     *****************************************************************

!     this routine is one of the auxiliary routines used by eispack iii

!     to avoid machine dependencies.

!     *****************************************************************

!     this version dated 4/6/83.



  10 b=a-1.0D0



  If(eps==0.0D0) Goto 10



End Function epslon

Subroutine mm(a,lda,n1,n3,b,ldb,n2,c,ldc)

  Double Precision a(lda,*), b(ldb,*), c(ldc,*)


!   purpose:

!     multiply matrix b times matrix c and store the result in matrix a.


!   parameters:


!     a double precision(lda,n3), matrix of n1 rows and n3 columns


!     lda integer, leading dimension of array a


!     n1 integer, number of rows in matrices a and b


!     n3 integer, number of columns in matrices a and c


!     b double precision(ldb,n2), matrix of n1 rows and n2 columns


!     ldb integer, leading dimension of array b


!     n2 integer, number of columns in matrix b, and number of rows in

!         matrix c


!     c double precision(ldc,n3), matrix of n2 rows and n3 columns


!     ldc integer, leading dimension of array c


! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Do j=1, n3

    Do i=1, n1


    End Do

    Call dmxpy(n2,a(1,j),n1,ldb,c(1,j),b)

  End Do



End Subroutine mm

Subroutine dmxpy(n1,y,n2,ldm,x,m)

  Double Precision y(*), x(*), m(ldm,*)


!   purpose:

!     multiply matrix m times vector x and add the result to vector y.


!   parameters:


!     n1 integer, number of elements in vector y, and number of rows in

!         matrix m


!     y double precision(n1), vector of length n1 to which is added

!         the product m*x


!     n2 integer, number of elements in vector x, and number of columns

!         in matrix m


!     ldm integer, leading dimension of array m


!     x double precision(n2), vector of length n2


!     m double precision(ldm,n2), matrix of n1 rows and n2 columns


! ----------------------------------------------------------------------


!   cleanup odd vector



  If(j>=1) Then

    Do i=1, n1


    End Do

  End If


!   cleanup odd group of two vectors



  If(j>=2) Then

    Do i=1, n1


    End Do

  End If


!   cleanup odd group of four vectors



  If(j>=4) Then

    Do i=1, n1



    End Do

  End If


!   cleanup odd group of eight vectors



  If(j>=8) Then

    Do i=1, n1




    End Do

  End If


!   main loop - groups of sixteen vectors



  Do j=jmin, n2, 16

    Do i=1, n1










    End Do

  End Do


End Subroutine dmxpy

Double Precision Function random_value(iseed)


!     modified from the LAPACK auxiliary routine 10/12/92 JD

!  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 1.0) --

!     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,

!     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University

!     February 29, 1992


!     .. Array Arguments ..

  Integer iseed(4)

!     ..


!  Purpose

!  =======


!  DLARAN returns a random real number from a uniform (0,1)

!  distribution.


!  Arguments

!  =========


!  ISEED   (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (4)

!          On entry, the seed of the random number generator; the array

!          elements must be between 0 and 4095, and ISEED(4) must be

!          odd.

!          On exit, the seed is updated.


!  Further Details

!  ===============


!  This routine uses a multiplicative congruential method with modulus

!  2**48 and multiplier 33952834046453 (see G.S.Fishman,

!  'Multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus

!  2**b: an exhaustive analysis for b = 32 and a partial analysis for

!  b = 48', Math. Comp. 189, pp 331-344, 1990).


!  48-bit integers are stored in 4 integer array elements with 12 bits

!  per element. Hence the routine is portable across machines with

!  integers of 32 bits or more.


!     .. Parameters ..

  Integer m1, m2, m3, m4


  Double Precision one


  Integer ipw2

  Double Precision r


!     ..

!     .. Local Scalars ..

  Integer it1, it2, it3, it4

!     ..

!     .. Intrinsic Functions ..

  Intrinsic dble, mod

!     ..

!     .. Executable Statements ..


!     multiply the seed by the multiplier modulo 2**48














!     return updated seed







!     convert 48-bit integer to a real number in the interval (0,1)





!     End of RAN


End Function random_value

Subroutine timestamp()



!c TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp.


!  Parameters:


!    None

  Implicit None

  Character*(8) ampm

  Integer d

  Character*(8) date

  Integer h

  Integer m

  Integer mm

  Character*(9) month(12)

  Integer n

  Integer s

  Character*(10) time

  Integer y

  Save month

  Data month/'January  ', 'February ', 'March    ', 'April    ', 'May      ', &

  'June     ', 'July     ', 'August   ', 'September', 'October  ', &

  'November ', 'December '/

  Call date_and_time(date,time)

  Read(date,'(i4,i2,i2)') y, m, d

  Read(time,'(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)') h, n, s, mm

  If(h<12) Then


  Else If(h==12) Then

    If(n==0 .And. s==0) Then




    End If



    If(h<12) Then


    Else If(h==12) Then

      If(n==0 .And. s==0) Then




      End If

    End If

  End If

  Write(*,'(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)') d,&

  month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm


End Subroutine timestamp

