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This version (23 Apr 2013 15:11) was approved by Estibaliz Sanz.The Previously approved version (15 Apr 2013 15:38) is available.Diff

AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 Quick Start Guide

Single, 16-/18-/20-Bit, Voltage Output DACs, SPI Interface


  • High relative accuracy (INL): ±2 LSB maximum (20-bit AD5790)
  • 8 nV/√Hz output noise spectral density
  • 0.1 LSB long-term linearity error stability (20-bit AD5790)
  • ±0.018 ppm/°C gain error temperature coefficient
  • 2.5 μs output voltage settling time
  • 3.5 nV-sec midscale glitch impulse
  • Integrated precision reference buffers
  • Operating temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
  • 4 mm × 5 mm LFCSP package
  • Wide power supply range of up to ±16.5 V
  • 35 MHz Schmitt triggered digital interface
  • 1.8 V compatible digital interface

Functional Block Diagram

Figure 1.

Pin Configuration

Figure 2. 24-Lead LFCSP Pin Configuration

Table 1. Function Descriptions for Quick Start

Mnemonic Description
VOUT Analog output voltage.
VREFP Positive reference voltage input. Connect a voltage in the range of 5 V to VDD - 2.5 V.
VDD Positive analog supply connection. Connect a voltage in the range of 7.5 V to 16.5 V. VDD must be decoupled to AGND.
overline{RESET} Active low reset. Asserting this pin returns the DAC to its power-on status.
overline{CLR} Active low input. Asserting this pin sets the DAC register to a user defined value and updates the DAC output.
overline{LDAC} Active low load DAC logic input. This is used to update the DAC register and, consequently, the analog output.
VCC Digital supply. Connect a voltage in the range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V. VCC must be decoupled to DGND.
IOVCC Digital interface supply. Voltage range is from 1.71 V to 5.5 V.
SDOSerial data output.
SDIN Serial data input.
SCLK Serial clock input.
overline{SYNC} Level triggered control input (active low). This is the frame synchronization signal for the input data.
DGND Ground reference for digital circuitry.
VREFN Negative reference voltage input. Connect a voltage in the range of VSS + 2.5 V to 0 V.
VSS Negative analog supply connection. Connect a voltage in the range of -16.5 V to -2.5 V. VSS must be decoupled to AGND.
AGND Ground reference for analog circuitry.
RFB Feedback connection for external amplifier.
INV Inverting input connection for external amplifier.

Hardware Control Pins Truth Table

Table 2. Hardware Control Pins Truth Table

/LDAC /CLR /RESET Function
X1 X1 0 DAC in reset mode. The device cannot be programmed.
X1 X1 2 DAC is returned to its power-on state. All registers are set to their default values.
0 0 1 DAC register loaded with the clearcode register value and output set accordingly.
0 1 1 Output set according to the DAC register value.
1 0 1 DAC register loaded with the clearcode register value and output set accordingly.
3 1 1 Output set according to the DAC register value.
3 0 1 Output remains at the clearcode register value.
2 1 1 Output remains set according to the DAC register value.
2 0 1 Output remains at the clearcode register value.
1 3 1 DAC register loaded with the clearcode register value and output set accordingly.
0 3 1 DAC register loaded with the clearcode register value and output set accordingly.
1 2 1 Output remains at the clearcode register value.
0 2 1 Output set according to the DAC register value.

1 X is don't care.
2 ⇑ is rising edge.
3 ⇓ is falling edge.

Input Shift Register Contents

Figure 3. Input Shift Register Contents

Table 3. Register Address Definitions

Register Address
Read/Write (R/W) C2 C1 C0 Description
X1 0 0 0 No operation
0 0 0 1 Write to the DAC register
0 0 1 0 Write to the control register
0 0 1 1 Write to the clearcode register
0 1 0 0 Write to the software control register
1 0 0 1 Read from the DAC register
1 0 1 0 Read from the control register
1 0 1 1 Read from the clearcode register

1 X = don't care.

Control Register

Figure 4. Control Register

Table 4. Control Register Functions

Bit Name Description
RBUF Output amplifier configuration control.
Setting Function
0 Internal amplifier powered up.
1 (default) Internal amplifier powered down.
OPGND Output ground clamp control.
Setting Function
0 DAC output clamp to ground removed and DAC placed in normal mode.
1 (default) DAC output clamped to ground and DAC placed in tristate mode.
DACTRI DAC tristate control.
Setting Function
0 DAC in normal operating mode.
1 (default) DAC in tristate mode.
BIN/2sC DAC register coding selection.
Setting Function
0 (default) DAC register uses twos complement coding.
1 DAC register uses offset binary coding.
SDODIS SDO pin enable/disable control.
Setting Function
0 (default) SDO pin enabled.
1 SDO pin disabled (tristate).
R/overline{W} Read/write select bit.
Setting Function
0 AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 addressed for a write operation.
1 AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 addressed for a read operation.

Software Control Register

Figure 5. Software Control Register

Table 5. Software Control Register Functions

Bit Name Description
LDAC1 Setting this bit to 1 updates the DAC register and, consequently, the DAC output.
CLR2 Setting this bit to 1 sets the DAC register to a user defined value and updates the DAC output.
RESET Setting this bit to 1 returns the AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 device to its power-on state.

1 The LDAC function has no effect when the overline{CLR} pin is low. Refer to Table 2 in the Hardware Control Pins Truth Table section for further details.
2 The CLR function has no effect when the overline{LDAC} pin is low. Refer to Table 2 in the Hardware Control Pins Truth Table section for further details.

Transfer Function

V_OUT = (V_REFP - V_REFN) * D/2^N + V_REFN

VREFN is the negative voltage applied at the VREFN input pin.
VREFP is the positive voltage applied at the VREFP input pin.
D is the 16-bit (AD5760), 18-bit (AD5780), or 20-bit (AD5790) code programmed to the DAC.
N is the number of bits.

Example 1: Initializing and Writing to the DAC Register

Initializing the DAC

To initialize the part,

  • Because this initialization is a write to the part, set the R/overline{W} bit to a Logic 0.
  • Keep the default mode for SDODIS and RBUF.
  • To write in binary coding, select BIN/2sC = 1.
  • Set DACTRI = 0 and OPGND = 0 to place the DAC in normal operating mode and remove the DAC output clamp to ground, respectively.

Write the following over the serial interface: 0010 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 (R/overline{W} bit, three register address bits, 20 data bits).

See Table 6 and Figure 6.

Table 6. Bit Settings to Initialize and Write to the Part

Bit(s) Bit Name Setting Description
23 R/overline{W} 0 AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 addressed for a write operation
[22:20] C2, C1, C0 010 Write to the control register
5 SDODIS 0 The SDO pin enabled for future readings from the part
4 BIN/2sC 1 Offset binary coding
3 DACTRI 0 Place the DAC in normal operating mode
2 OPGND 0 Remove the DAC output clamp to ground
1 RBUF 1 The internal amplifier powered down

To write in binary coding, set BIN/2sC = 1.

The default coding is twos complement. The same 24-bit data impacts the values that the user writes to or reads from the part in a different way depending on the coding selected. The user must verify the coding used by writing to the control register or reading back from it.

Figure 6. Initializing the Part

Writing to the DAC Register

To write a midscale code to the DAC register,

  • Set R/overline{W} = 0 to select the write option from the read/write bit.
  • Set C[2:0] = 001 for the correspondent register address.
  • Set D[19:0], the data bits, for a midscale code.

The 24-bit data to write over the serial interface is as follows:

16-bit AD5760: 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 XXXX
18-bit AD5780: 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 00XX
20-bit AD5790: 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000

where X = don't care.

See Table 7 and Figure 7.

Table 7. Bit Settings to Write to DAC Register

Bit(s) Bit Name Setting Description
23 R/overline{W} 0 AD5760/AD5780/AD5790 addressed for a write operation
[22:20] C2, C1, C0 001 Write to the DAC register

Figure 7. Writing to the DAC Register

Example 2: Clearing the DAC to a Defined Value

Writing to the Clearcode Register

To define the value at which the DAC output is set when the overline{CLR} pin or CLR bit in the software control register is asserted, write the desired code to the clearcode register.

For a full-scale clear code, write the following over the serial interface:

16-bit AD5760: 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 XXXX
18-bit AD5780: 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 11XX
20-bit AD5790: 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

where X = don't care.

See Figure 8.

Figure 8. Writing Full-Scale Code to the Clearcode Register

Writing to the Software Control Register

Set the CLR bit to a Logic 1 to set the DAC register to a user defined value and update the DAC output.

Write the following over the serial interface: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010

The user should see the DAC output value change to full-scale code.

See Figure 9.

Figure 9. Clearing the Part to a User Defined Value

Reading from the Clearcode Register

To confirm the clearcode value written to the part, read the data from the clearcode register (full scale for this example).

Write the following over the serial interface:


where X = don't care.

See Figure 10.

Note that this action is a read function. Therefore, set the R/overline{W} bit = 1.

D19 to D0, the data bits, are don't care bits because the intention is to read from the part and not to write to the part.

Figure 10. Reading from the Clearcode Register

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