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This version (24 Jan 2021 18:36) was approved by Dragos Bogdan.The Previously approved version (22 Jul 2019 09:52) is available.Diff

ADXL362 - No-OS Driver for Renesas Microcontroller Platforms

Supported Devices

Evaluation Boards


The ADXL362 is an ultralow power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer that consumes less than 2 μA at a 100 Hz output data rate and 270 nA when in motion triggered wake-up mode. Unlike accelerometers that use power duty cycling to achieve low power consumption, the ADXL362 does not alias input signals by undersampling; it samples the full bandwidth of the sensor at all data rates.

The ADXL362 always provides 12-bit output resolution; 8-bit formatted data is also provided for more efficient single-byte transfers when a lower resolution is sufficient. Measurement ranges of ±2 g, ±4 g, and ±8 g are available, with a resolution of 1 mg/LSB on the ±2 g range. For applications where a noise level lower than the normal 550 μg/√Hz of the ADXL362 is desired, either of two lower noise modes (down to 175 μg/√Hz typical) can be selected at minimal increase in supply current.

In addition to its ultralow power consumption, the ADXL362 has many features to enable true system level power reduction. It includes a deep multimode output FIFO, a built-in micropower temperature sensor, and several activity detection modes including adjustable threshold sleep and wake-up operation that can run as low as 270 nA at a 6 Hz (approximate) measurement rate. A pin output is provided to directly control an external switch when activity is detected, if desired. In addition, the ADXL362 has provisions for external control of sampling time and/or an external clock.

The ADXL362 operates on a wide 1.6 V to 3.5 V supply range, and can interface, if necessary, to a host operating on a separate, lower supply voltage. ADXL362 is available in a 3 mm × 3.25 mm × 1.06 mm package.


  • Hearing aids
  • Home healthcare devices
  • Motion enabled power save switches
  • Wireless sensors
  • Motion enabled metering devices

01 Oct 2012 11:49 · Dragos Bogdan

The goal of this project (Microcontroller No-OS) is to be able to provide reference projects for lower end processors, which can't run Linux, or aren't running a specific operating system, to help those customers using microcontrollers with ADI parts. Here you can find a generic driver which can be used as a base for any microcontroller platform and also specific drivers for different microcontroller platforms.

Driver Description

The driver contains two parts:

  • The driver for the ADXL362 part, which may be used, without modifications, with any microcontroller.
  • The Communication Driver, where the specific communication functions for the desired type of processor and communication protocol have to be implemented. This driver implements the communication with the device and hides the actual details of the communication protocol to the ADI driver.

The Communication Driver has a standard interface, so the ADXL362 driver can be used exactly as it is provided.

There are three functions which are called by the ADXL362 driver:

  • SPI_Init() – initializes the communication peripheral.
  • SPI_Write() – writes data to the device.
  • SPI_Read() – reads data from the device.

SPI driver architecture

The following functions are implemented in this version of ADXL362 driver:

Function Description
char ADXL362_Init(void) Initializes the device.
void ADXL362_SetRegisterValue(unsigned short registerValue, unsigned char registerAddress, unsigned char bytesNumber) Writes data into a register.
void ADXL362_GetRegisterValue(unsigned char *pReadData, unsigned char registerAddress, unsigned char bytesNumber) Performs a burst read of a specified number of registers.
void ADXL362_GetFifoValue(unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned short bytesNumber) Reads multiple bytes from the device's FIFO buffer.
void ADXL362_SoftwareReset(void) Resets the device via SPI communication bus.
void ADXL362_SetPowerMode(unsigned char pwrMode) Places the device into standby/measure mode.
void ADXL362_SetRange(unsigned char gRange) Selects the measurement range.
void ADXL362_SetOutputRate(unsigned char outRate) Selects the Output Data Rate of the device.
void ADXL362_GetXyz(short *x, short *y, short *z) Reads the 3-axis raw data from the accelerometer.
void ADXL362_GetGxyz(float* x, float* y, float* z) Reads the 3-axis raw data from the accelerometer and converts it to g.
float ADXL362_ReadTemperature(void) Reads the temperature of the device.
void ADXL362_FifoSetup(unsigned char mode, unsigned short waterMarkLvl, unsigned char enTempRead) Configures the FIFO feature.
void ADXL362_SetupActivityDetection(unsigned char refOrAbs, unsigned short threshold, unsigned char time) Configures activity detection.
void ADXL362_SetupInactivityDetection(unsigned char refOrAbs, unsigned short threshold, unsigned short time) Configures inactivity detection.
01 Oct 2012 15:23 · Dragos Bogdan


Renesas RL78G13 Quick Start Guide

This section contains a description of the steps required to run the ADXL362 demonstration project on a Renesas RL78G13 platform using the PmodACL2.

Required Hardware

Required Software

Hardware Setup

A PmodACL2 has to be connected to the PMOD1 connector.

Reference Project Overview

The reference project continuously displays on the LCD the accelerations on x-axis, y-axis and x-axis and simultaneously detects any activity or inactivity detected by the device.

Software Project Tutorial

This section presents the steps for developing a software application that will run on the Renesas Demo Kit for RL78G13 for controlling and monitoring the operation of the ADI part.

  • Run the IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RL78 integrated development environment.
  • Choose to create a new project (Project – Create New Project).
  • Select the RL78 tool chain, the Empty project template and click OK.

  • Select a location and a name for the project (ADIEvalBoard for example) and click Save.

  • Open the project’s options window (Project – Options).
  • From the Target tab of the General Options category select the RL78 – R5F100LE device.

  • From the Setup tab of the Debugger category select the TK driver and click OK.

  • Extract the files from the lab .zip archive and copy them into the project’s folder.

  • The new source files have to be included into the project. Open the Add Files… window (Project – Add Files…), select all the copied files and click open.

  • At this moment, all the files are included into the project.
  • The project is ready to be compiled and downloaded on the board. Press the F7 key to compile it. Press CTRL + D to download and debug the project.
  • A window will appear asking to configure the emulator. Keep the default settings and press OK.

  • To run the project press F5.

03 Sep 2012 13:02 · Dragos Bogdan

Renesas RL78G14 Quick Start Guide

This section contains a description of the steps required to run the ADXL362 demonstration project on a Renesas RL78G14 platform using the PmodACL2.

Required Hardware

Required Software

The ADXL362 demonstration project for the Renesas RL78G14 platform consists of three parts: the ADXL362 Driver, the PmodACL2 Demo for RL78G14 and the RL78G14 Common Drivers.

All three parts have to be downloaded.

Hardware Setup

A PmodACL2 has to be connected to the PMOD1 connector (see image below).

Reference Project Overview

The reference project:

  • displays the acceleration values on x, y and z axis;
  • displays temperature;
  • detects any activity or inactivity supported by the device.

Software Project Tutorial

This section presents the steps for developing a software application that will run on the Renesas Demo Kit for RL78G14 for controlling and monitoring the operation of the ADI part.

  • Run the IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RL78 integrated development environment.
  • Choose to create a new project (Project – Create New Project).
  • Select the RL78 tool chain, the Empty project template and click OK.

  • Select a location and a name for the project (ADIEvalBoard for example) and click Save.

  • Open the project’s options window (Project – Options).
  • From the Target tab of the General Options category select the RL78 – R5F104PJ device.

  • From the Setup tab of the Debugger category select the TK driver and click OK.

  • Copy the downloaded files into the project's folder.

  • The new source files have to be included into the project. Open the Add Files… window (Project – Add Files…), select all the copied files and click open.

  • At this moment, all the files are included into the project.
  • The project is ready to be compiled and downloaded on the board. Press the F7 key to compile it. Press CTRL + D to download and debug the project.
  • A window will appear asking to configure the emulator. Keep the default settings and press OK.

  • To run the project press F5.

09 May 2013 17:10 · Dragos Bogdan

Renesas RX63N Quick Start Guide

This section contains a description of the steps required to run the ADXL362 demonstration project on a Renesas RX63N platform.

Required Hardware

Required Software

Hardware Setup

A PmodACL2 has to be connected to the PMOD1 connector.

Reference Project Overview

The reference project continuously displays on the LCD the accelerations on x-axis, y-axis and x-axis and simultaneously detects any activity or inactivity detected by the device.

Software Project Setup

This section presents the steps for developing a software application that will run on the Renesas Demo Kit for RX63N for controlling and monitoring the operation of the ADI part.

  • Run the High-performance Embedded Workshop integrated development environment.
  • A window will appear asking to create or open project workspace. Choose “Create a new project workspace” option and press OK.
  • From “Project Types” option select “Application”, name the Workspace and the Project “ADIEvalBoard”, select the “RX” CPU family and “Renesas RX Standard” tool chain. Press OK.

  • A few windows will appear asking to configure the project:
    • In the “Select Target CPU” window, select “RX600” CPU series, “RX63N” CPU Type and press Next.
    • In the first “Option Setting” window change only the Precision of double from single to “Double precision” and press Next.
    • In the second “Option Setting” window keep default settings and press Next.
    • In the “Setting the Content of Files to be generated” window select ”None” for the ”Generate main() Function” option and press Next.
    • In the “Setting the Standard Library” window press “Enable all” and then Next.
    • In the “Setting the Stack Area” window check the “Use User Stack” option and press Next.
    • In the “Setting the Vector” window keep default settings and press Next.
    • In the “Setting the Target System for Debugging” window choose “RX600 Segger J-Link” target and press Next.
    • In the “Setting the Debugger Options” and “Changing the Files Name to be created” windows keep default settings, press Next and Finish.
  • The workspace is created.

  • The RPDL (Renesas Peripheral Driver Library) has to integrated in the project. Unzip the RPDL files (double-click on the file “RPDL_RX63N.exe”). Navigate to where the RPDL files were unpacked and double-click on the “Copy_RPDL_RX63N.bat” to start the copy process. Choose the 100 pins package and little endian option, type the full path where the project was created and after the files were copied, press any key to close the window.
  • The new source files have to be included in the project. Use the key sequence Alt, P, A to open the “Add files to project ‘ADIEvalBoard’” window. Double click on the RPDL folder. From the “Files of type” drop-down list, select “C source file (*.C)”. Select all of the files and press Add.

  • To avoid conflicts with standard project files remove the files “intprg.c” and “vecttbl.c” which are included in the project. Use the key sequence Alt, P, R to open the “Remove Project Files” window. Select the files, click on Remove and press OK.

  • Next the new directory has to be included in the project. Use the key sequence Alt, B, R to open the “RX Standard Toolchain” window. Select the C/C++ tab, select “Show entries for: Include file directories” and press Add. Select “Relative to: Project directory”, type “RPDL” as sub-directory and press OK.

  • The library file path has to be added in the project. Select the Link/Library tab, select “Show entries for: Library files” and press Add. Select “Relative to: Project directory”, type “RPDL/RX63N_library” as file path and press OK.

  • Because the “intprg.c” file was removed the “PIntPrg” specified in option “start” has to be removed. Change “Category” to “Section”. Press “Edit”, select “PIntPRG” and press “Remove”. From this window the address of each section can be also modified. Set the second address to 0xFFF00000 and the third one to 0xFFF00100. After all the changes are made press OK two times.

  • At this point the files extracted from the zip file located in the “Software Tools” section have to be added into the project. Copy all the files from the archive into the project folder.

  • Now, the files have to be included in the project. Use the key sequence Alt, P, A to open the “Add files to project ‘ADIEvalBoard’” window. Navigate into ADI folder. From the “Files of type” drop-down list, select “Project Files”. Select all the copied files and press Add.

  • Now, the project is ready to be built. Press F7. The message after the Build Process is finished has to be “0 Errors, 0 Warnings”. To run the program on the board, you have to download the firmware into the microprocessor’s memory.
17 Sep 2012 18:24 · Dragos Bogdan

More information

01 Jun 2012 12:17

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